BDSM and
The Law
In the USA we have
freedom, or at least what our government calls freedom.
We do have a lot of freedoms, however sexual freedom is not one of them.
Many times people have run into legal problems due to sex, even in the privacy
of their own home with a consenting partner.
Many people have gone to jail for practicing alternate sex, it happens every
Still today there are actually laws in the books against things as simple as
oral or anal sex, Yes depending on where you live it may be illegal to practice
oral sex.
Still today lawmakers fight to keep laws in place to limit our sexual freedom.
Why are they allowed to take
away our freedom?
Because nobody cares. The general public is mostly unaware, or unconcerned. It
doesn't normally effect them so why should they care?
Those that it does effect are usually to busy, or afraid, to do anything about
it. Yes people are afraid of the US government.
What can we do?
As long as no one cares nothing will change.
We cannot feel its hopeless, or we have lost the battle before it even started.
This is where we are now, most feel it is hopeless.
But its not, there is actually much we as individuals can do to gain our sexual
1) Become aware. We must make ourselves aware of what is going on, who is doing
what to limit our freedom, and how we can stop them.
2) Make the public aware.
Aware that there is still oppression in the USA, that there is laws against
things as simple as oral sex, that they can and should do something about it.
3) Become involved. Did you know that less then 20% of Americans bother to vote?
Its no wonder the government has no clue what the people really want. This is
not their fault, but ours.
4) There is a group that fights for our rights. they have made a lot of noise,
and definitely some progress.
They are The
National Coalition for Sexual Freedom .
If possible please support
them. they accept donations, and more importantly they often have petitions that
they need signed.
If you are in need of legal help with anything BDSM related NCSF will help you
State Sex Laws
Please note
that these so called sex laws come with this disclaimer. There is no guarantee
that they are complete. It is not legal advice. This page is set up as a
resource page incase you are in trouble. If you are in trouble please contact a
We know some of
these laws are ridiculous but as with most selective law enforcement, they are
still on the books and therefore you can be prosecuted for them. If you disagree
then please
write your
state government and get the laws removed.
please note
this part is an ongoing process so check back to see new states added weekly
Alabama |
Alaska |
Arizona |
Arkansas |
California |
Colorado |
Connecticut |
Delaware |
Florida |
Georgia |
Hawaii |
Idaho |
Illinois |
Indiana |
Iowa |
Kansas |
Kentucky |
Louisiana |
Maine |
Maryland |
Massachusetts |
Michigan |
Minnesota |
Mississippi |
Missouri |
Montana |
Nebraska |
Nevada |
Hampshire |
Jersey |
Mexico |
York |
Carolina |
Dakota |
Ohio |
Okalahoma |
Oregon |
Pennsylvania |
Island |
Carolina |
Dakota |
Tennessee |
Texas |
Utah |
Vermont |
Virginia |
Washington |
Virginia |
Wisconsin |
Wyoming |